Traditional Electricity Competition KOPOS CUP 2018 is organized by the Integrated High School of Technical and Economic Sokolov with the help of sponsoring of our company. This year's 17th edition took place. Representatives of seven schools from across the Czech Republic in North Bohemia competed on 25-26 April for the best electrician. Twelve students attended the two-day contest. The contestants first had to master the theoretical part, which was evaluated in the form of a test. The next day in the practical part, the students involved electrical circuits. They demonstrated their skills and experience gained so far. The points from both days were then summed up and the winning team also judged our KOPOS representatives Jaroslav Hajný with Martin Zuzaňák. Skills competition in the field of electrician was two students from Technical High School in Most, Jan Fišer and Miroslav Romaniuk with a total of 278 points.